Thursday, April 9, 2009

Post 300 -- Yeah for Me!! Pictures for FUN!!


Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry
is hosting a photo meme. This weeks photo opportunity was for that could mean just about anything...of course when you have children it usually means something with or for your kids!

Most of the fun in my life has come from my kids over almost 19 years! Therefore, the fun I show comes from them...

So now I give you, my internet friends, my FUN!!

So yesterday I told you that this post, being my 300th post would be something "FUN" and I try not to lie, ya know? So here's what makes this more fun than just lookin' at my wonderful kids...GIVE ME CAPTIONS to go with these pictures. I have my own ideas but would love to hear yours. So leave your captions in the comments and I'll choose my favorites and give you credit for it!! Good 'nough??

So caption away!! And I'll be back tonight to give you my exercise update cuz I know you are on the edge of your chair just waiting for that, huh?


Michelle Simpson Photos said...

Love the sports shots! Definitely tons of fun!

tiarastantrums said...

loads of fun in a sporty way over there

Capturing Sunshine said...

Here are a few from me. Not feeling exceptionally witty tonight, but I'll give it a go!

Pic. #1. Hey Mom! This here's my friend, "Bob." His entry in the witness relocation program requires that he only have his left hand photographed!

Pic. #2. Hey Mom! I need a shot for MySpace. Do I look hot enough? Aside from the light bulb burning through my forehead?

Pic. #3. Mom, does this cover the scar left by the light bulb?

Pic. #4. Help Mom! I know you told me to leave my gloves on while on the ice. Well, I didn't listen, and now my hand is frozen to this trophy!

Pic. #5. better get on your knees and pray!

Pic. #6. I got nothin!

Pic. #7. Hey kid! Get off of my neck and put my head right back where you found it!

FUN! Thanks for the challenge.

Alice said...

i stink at captions but i love your photos! it's obvious you love your kids and i like that. good looking boys! thanks for sharing. hope someone gives you some captions :O).

my You Capture post this week features kids and balloons. there is always room for you in The Shadow of the Cross. feel free to visit anytime.

Christy M. said...

Love all of your shots! Your boys are so cute togehter ;)