Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tonight's Hula Hoop

I just finished with my last night of the Hula Hoop contest over at the Sisterhood and I have to say I'm proud of how much I have improved.

Tonight I did it for 3 whole minutes and got up to 543 spins. Then I decided to see how well I could do and went up to the 6 minute duration! It flat kicked my b*tt... but I got 522 spins before I pooped out. So between the 2 settings I did over 1000 spins, just not all at once! I took a couple of minutes breather between the 2. I tried to redo the 6 minutes and got on there and just couldn't do anything. I think I did 25 spins for both sides combined. Of course at the beginning of the week that's all I could do period, so I've come along way baby!

Thanks for motivating me to get on my WiiFit and do something!! I had a blast and plan to keep it that I have the hang of it I want to see how far I can go!


The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans said...

We are so proud of you for persisting through this challenge! You never gave up and you improved so much!!! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to say thank you for your comment...You did great too...566 is awesome...I keep thinking I wonder how much I would improve if I kept it up...hmmmmm.....a goal perhaps!!

Keep up the great work!!