Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Power Of One -- Week 2

Power of One Challenge

It's Wednesday and that means weigh in day at the Sisterhood. This challenge is "perfect timing" for me...They must have known I would need some time with myself to get it together!

I was gonna come here and complain about the woes of my life. Telling ya'll that this week was hard. Telling you my mind is rattling around in my head giving me all kinds of crap to think about. How my heart is in the game of weight loss but my head just hasn't been.

But right before I came over to write this post I was on facebook and I saw this posted from Jillian Michaels (you are her friend, right?? She gives great tips!)

Tip: Don't blame anyone or anything for your situation or problems. When you do that you are saying that you are powerless over your own life - which is utter crap. An empowering step to reclaiming your life is taking responsibility. Although life may deal you some bad hands, evaluating the choices you make in response to those hardships is critical in affecting an outcome that is more favorable to you.

I liked it so much I enlarged it and printed it. I'm gonna post it on my fridge and my motivation board that is right above my computer!!

Since reading that post I've had to rethink my whole post! I can't blame anyone but myself for my progress (or lack thereof in this case). I can't blame my friends cancer (it's Stage 3, btw - not 4 which they were concerned about...Thank YOU GOD!!), I can't blame my 20 year son who is now a full fledged-sworn-into-the-United-States-Marine-Corp-recruit! I can't blame anyone or anything but ME!! My lack of true, "hard as nails" dedication just hasn't been there. I've been sitting here at my computer far too many hours a day.

I've been doing "ok" with the food. I've been doing "ok" with the exercise. I've been participating in the 100 Days of Movement Challenge going on over at Facebook and haven't missed a day. I've been trying to "channel" the stress into doing positive things in my life...but I've just had too much going on in my head to really take "the bulls by the horns" and do what I know needs to be done to lose the weight like I promised myself I would. Really they are all excuses. I'm exercising VERY late at night. I'm going to bed late and sleeping late. I'm not logging into LoseIt and tracking my food. I'm not eating enough veggies (really I'm not eating any, if truth be told). I am eating fruit but that's not really a problem. I like fruit! Its the veggies I struggle with. are the results of this weeks less than stellar effort.

Starting weight - 3/25/09 - 226.8
Starting Challenge weight - 12/29/10 - 196.0
Last week - 196.2
This week - 197.0

Yes, once again I gained weight. Once again I have proven to myself that I need to get serious with this and get over all the "gunk" going on and challenge myself and my stress into the right LOSING WEIGHT!!

I promised myself (2012 self) that I would be "thinner than my son can remember" when he graduates boot camp and I'm not gonna do that if I don't get a grip and start losing this weight. He will probably leave for boot camp within the next couple of months so I need to get losing!

Times a-wastin' starting today I track my food, drink my water (which I have been good about), and really working on getting those pounds off for good! Any help, suggestions or kick in the a$$ would be greatly appreciated! Thanks ya'll!!


Trish said...

Thank you for posting that, I really needed to read it! Congrats on your weightloss this week!

Nadine said...

I think you've pretty much just done it. You've got a lot of things on your side to motivate you. Take a look at that quote, and this post anyime you need a dose of motivation!

Heather A. said...

Love that quote by Jillian (yes- I'm her friend too :) ) You CAN do this Ann! Put yourself through boot camp. Eight weeks and hit it hard core. Leave all those worries, stresses and heartache behind on the gym floor (or wherever you work out). You can't control what life hands you, but you can control how you react. You are a strong person... you've already proved it... look at how far you have come!

Brooke said...

sometimes "okay" is the best we can ask for. praying for you my friend. i know you've got it within you to do this. He's promised that He'll never leave us...that includes properly equipping us.

Adah said...

I love that quote from Jillian. You are going in the right direction...recognize what isn't working and moving forward. Take it one day at a time and you will get there!

Chris B. said...

You can do it Ann!! I know tracking is so hard. It should be easy, but it isn't. Hang in there! Next week's results will be better!

Anonymous said...

You're doing so awesome ANN! And you look so happy in your recent pics!!! I'm so proud of you!! Keep it up! We are in this together!!!