What am I thankful for today???? Well it's kind of funny, really....so bare with me. I let That Kid go to a play at a near by church that a lot of his homeschooled friends attend last night. Many of the characters in the play are his friends, so I thought it would be a great thing for him to see.
Afterwards a group of these friends invited him to go grab a bite to eat, and since I am his driver for now I met them all at this fast food place. They were all sitting at a table together (5 of them -- 2 girls, 3 boys) and I was sitting at a table near them listening to their conversation. Now mind you, these are teens ranging from 15 -17 years old.
What do you think they were discussing??? The lastest teen movie??? The lastest fashions at the mall??? Troubles with their parents??? NOOOOOO, they were talking about the upcoming PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION!!! AND THEIR CHOICES FOR PRESIDENT!!!! Don't ya just love HOMESCHOOLED KIDS????? 3 of these teens are in a government class together at a local co-op and they were discussing the pros and cons of the politicans. This just cracked me up!!! I sat there laughing, because I was thinking to myself I never even thought about future presidents when I was their age......I DIDN'T CARE!!! and neither did my friends.....all we cared about was our next trip to the mall, movies, clothes, etc. This is the difference between homeschool and public schooled students!!! not to mention another generation!!!
So.....what am I thankful for today??? HOMESCHOOLED TEENAGERS!!!! especially those that call my son their friend......1 of the boys even lives in our neighborhood!!! yeah!!!!
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