Well I have been strangely absent from the blogging world for the past couple of days. I'm not even sure what I did the past couple of days....I know I did about a dozen loads of laundry, but they didn't get folded and put away till today. I also did a dishwasher full of dishes, cooked some meals, did a bunch of errands, paid some bills, went to a skating class for That Other Kid, a hockey practice for That Kid, met for a friend for coffee, and slept.
Oh, I guess that's why I didn't have time for the computer, huh?
So, I need to come up with some things I am thankful for for the past couple of days....so here goes!
I am thankful for a friend that will meet me for coffee at 9:15p.m. on a Tuesday night and not whine that I have to bring That Other Kid with me!
I am thankful for the wonderful weather we have had over the past
2 days so that That Other Kid could burn a little energy by going for a bike ride!
I am also thankful that I was able to deposit a bunch of money in the bank yesterday and today, so I could pay bills that have been piling up the whole month. We are almost caught up after having a REALLY financially dry month, with very little work for dh. Not only do we have the bills paid, now but he got a BUNCH of work that is supposed to be done by January 1 -- and we will get paid for it by January 2!!! I am thankful that God has provided a client that will pay PROMPTLY!!!
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