Today I am thankful for my Lifetime Fitness gym membership! I have had this membership for over 2 years and have gone on and off. For a while I will be super consistent, then I will get busy, sick or just slack off. I won't go and I end up wasting a lot of money;((( I need to lose A LOT of weight -- 75 pounds to be where my doctor says I need to be so going to the gym and exercising is key to this. TODAY I decided that I need to be thankful for this membership and utilize it to its highest capacity. That Other Kid loves to go --- he gets to play with other kids his own age, and I love it too since I have 2 hours of time to do what I want. I went and exercised on the treadmill for 35 minutes, did a few inner and outer thigh exercises and did some crunches. I ended up spending more than 45 minutes in ACTUAL exercises. Then I went and took a nice LONG, HOT SHOWER ALL BY MYSELF!!!! What a luxury!!! I know some of you may not have a problem taking a shower without company, or in a rush but in my house this is not the case.....I barely get in the shower and the phone rings, my teenager needs me, my dh needs me or my little guy needs me! Rarely do I get to shave my legs, wash my hair and bathe at home without someone interrupting. If I do get to do these things then as soon as the water goes off then someone needs something!!!
So today I am thankful for Lifetime Fitness and the 2 hours of blissful time to myself!!!
What are you thankful for??????
Yikes! You got an e-mail saying we were supposed to swap already??? I thought it started in Nov and we were just supposed to get to know each other this month! That's what I get for not checking my bulk mail. I loose so much! I already have your special something... I will send it off tomorrow!!! Sorry. I have had it for awhile. Opps.
What am I thankful for? Fall foliage, proof that God is faithful in the turning of seasons. Favorite jeans and cozy sweaters at the back of my closet as the temperatures start to dip a bit.
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