Monday, January 5, 2009

Still Sick......but

gotta get movin'. I can't lay around on the couch forever, even though that is at this point what I feel like doing. Especially since the high today is supposed to be 38 degrees with rain and a possibility for ice on the streets. Oh well, at least I don't really have to go anywhere. I just have to get past the 'blah' of outside and start getting this house back together. That Other Kid still has birthday and Christmas presents laying around, that he hasn't touched. I need to get the play room organized and help him get a grasp on the reality that is his space!

That Kid had to get up this morning and go to math class. I could tell he really didn't want to get out of bed! He's had a nice long break from school. He has been busy with working games the past few days and hanging out with friends that he hasn't seen in a while, so I think he was hoping for a little more of a VACATION! But alas, the real world has hit, so off to math class, then a personal training session at the gym immediately afterwards. Hopefully, he'll be smart and eat something. The first time he worked out with the trainer, he woke up, washed his face and went to the gym....and promptly vomited in his cap! UGH!! Let's hope he doesn't repeat that again.

DH is still not feeling great either, but the business world is back to work, so he has to get back to it, too. Yesterday, he stayed in bed till 7 p.m., took a shower, then came out to the living room and watched a little tv, then goofed on his computer for a while and went to bed for the night at midnight! He had a tough day yesterday...About 5:30 p.m. That Other Kid went to ask him something and he was snoring! TOK came out and said that daddy was sleeping and it wasn't even time for dinner! Cracked me up!

The good thing about being sick (if there is a good side to sickness) is that I have been able to read ALOT! I'm hooked on Karen Kingsbury books right now. I'm reading the Firstborn Series now, and have read most of the Sunrise Series. I'm waiting on the library to get the Redemption Series book 1 so I can start that one. I should have started on the Redemption series, but I didn't realize that till I was already halfway through the Sunrise series. I love her books and how she draws the reader into the Baxter family! I can't wait to finish all of the books, so I can check out more of her books.

So....what do you read when you don't feel well or have 'spare' time (of course, spare time is kind of a oximoron with a mom), but ya know what I mean????!!!

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