This morning started That Other Kid's hockey career....beginning hockey classes, called Pre Hockey. He was supposed to wear a hockey helmet and hockey skates. He was decked out and sooooo proud of himself. However, when he got on the ice he discovered that it wasn't much different than his "skate school" classes, but there were other kids on the ice with hockey sticks, and soft pucks actually passing the puck and skating like "real" hockey players. This frustrated him since this is what he wanted to be doing....I tried to appease him by telling him he had to work really hard and learn to skate faster so he would be able to "play hockey" with the other kids....maybe next semester, which starts in June!
In other news...I talked to my dad this morning and he had just finished walking 1 1/2 miles at the local rec center....He has done this ALL week and said he felt great. By the way, this is more than I have walked the WHOLE month of March, thankyouverymuch. I thought he was supposed to be the sick one.
He will go in and try to start his last week of chemo on Monday....please pray that his white blood counts are high enough this week that he can complete this last week. He already has an appointment scheduled for another MRI on the 9th and a doctor's appointment to discuss the next stage on the 10th. Please keep these dates in your prayers.
I started my new immune boosters today....thanks to Melissa for telling me about them! I will keep you posted as to how I feel over the next couple of weeks.
Well I'm tired...since I have gone/busy for the past 3 days and I'm still not 100% I better get to bed so I can continue to recouperate from this latest illness.
Thanks for visiting and listening to me babble! Have a great night!
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