This weekend we went on our first REAL FAMILY VACATION....I mean this trip had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with hockey and WE ALL WENT!!! And I remembered the camera!! On Wednesday evening of last week, meaning March 19, DH says to me, while I was in the bathroom (where else would a meaningful conversation be held, right?), "I've worked myself out of work for the rest of the clients are all gone on spring break, I don't know what I'm going to do the next 5 days, till they come back into town".
I flippantly say, "well let's go do something, cuz the rest of us don't have anything to do either~~". I expected a response like, no I need to do stuff that I have been putting off....and that would be end of the discusssion. Instead I got, "LIKE WHAT???" I didn't have an answer for some time....I had to think...this has never happpened to me. I finally came back and asked if he meant we could go on a little vacation...he said "YES, but it had to be somewhere close, cuz he didn't want to drive forever." OK so where could we go that everyone in our family could have fun, that was close to home, but felt like a vacation??? I was clueless!! I asked him what he had in mind -- he wanted to go to Lake Texoma!! Sounded like the ticket to for the whole family, little boy to teenage boy! and cheap and close to home -- only a couple of hours!!! THAT'S IT!!!
We went to Lake Texoma, on the Oklahoma side -- by Kingston, OK and we ALL had fun. We rented a nice little cabin, so we had real beds; always a bonus in my eyes! We rented a boat and went boating for 2 hours and played mini golf, and drove go-karts and played air hockey, we roasted marshmallows over a bon fire; as well as fried shrimp, pretzels, and whatever else they decided to throw in the fire to see it blaze higher and brighter! They are guys and it is fire, ya know!
Here are a just a few of my favorites....
The only downer for the whole weekend was that Sunday morning about 3 a.m. I woke up with my throat on fire...and I felt terrible. We finished sleeping the night and got up, packed up and came back home, taking a little side trip to look at a couple of other camp sites for possible future trips. We dropped the boys off at home and went to the minor emergency clinic where the doctor informed me I have strep throat and yet another sinus infection!!! When will it end?? I have had sooooo many sinus infections it's beginning to be a part of my life!! I need to have some serious help with this, so I will be going back to the regular doctor and try to get some long term solutions...
OK, now back track to the previous week....meaning the week from the 11th to the 19th (I know not a traditional week time period, but we are working in reverse anyway so let's complicate things further!) Over the weekend That Kid's hockey team played their last 4 games of the season....they were the playoff games. They won 1 game, tied 1 game, and lost the other 2 games. That ends the season and, as of know, his competitive hockey career. He is burned out and ready to take a break from the hockey. He is looking forward to continuing his work as an official, so he's not getting away from it completely, just taking it from a different aspect.
He is applying to go to a development camp for officials for May, so that he can work toward advancing his career as an official. I hope this is a success for him as he does seem to love it!
Right before the hockey games started this weekend That Other Kid and I went to his last "beginner's skate class". Now he will begin "hockey skate classes". So as 1 career ends another one begins. He will start classes for hockey this weekend and I expect him to take off with it as he will be wearing a hockey helmet and he already has his own hockey skates and elbow pads...He is sooo happy to finally be doing "hockey"!!
On Friday of this week I bought our family a Wii and oh my it is soooo much fun!! How did I ever think that we could live without this wonderful game system??? There are so many games for this system that can be played by the whole family!! It is a game system worth buying!! If you are unfamiliar with the system, find someone who has it and play a game or two and you'll be hooked, too!
On Wednesday of this week I took That Other Kid to an open gym for an hour and a half of fun!! He had a blast and asked when he could go again....turns out they have it every week and it is only $5, which is a great way for him to burn a lot of excess energy! We'll be going back soon....
That afternoon I went to the doctor where she told me I had a sinus infection....Do you see a pattern??? I do, and I don't like it! Like I said I need some help!
Well I guess that catches you up on my life!! Aren't you glad???? Oh yeah, my dad seems to be doing well with his cancer treatments, but his white blood counts are low again this week so he had to postpone his final week of chemo to get them back up a little. He is taking shots and some pills this week and he'll do his final week of chemo next Monday. Then April 10th he will see the doctor to see how he is doing to start the chemo/radiation treatments. Please pray for his continued strength and that all goes well.
"Talk" to you soon.....I promise!!!
1 comment:
Grapefruit Seed Extract is your answer! It even helped my kids with allergies and asthma. Email me and I can tell you more. And no, I don't sell it. ;-)
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