Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Meanest Mom Contest

Go over to over at mom blogs to find out if you are the meanest mom out there....but keep in mind you are competing with the "All time MEANEST MOM", that , of course, is yours truly!

Now here's one that I have in the bag for sure!!! This weekend That Kid did something I never thought I would have to deal with....I'm gonna keep it to myself, I really don't want to disclose all of his rebellious activities, but suffice to say I didn't communicate with my 17 year old son for some 21 hours.....and not out of lack of effort on my part.

When he arrived home I took his cell phone, car keys, and drivers license away from him and told him he would not leave the house without a parent for the next 9 months.....till the day he turns 18!! Since then I have been granted to the silent treatment. I accept that for now....he's mad at me and his dad and when he's mad he doesn't speak unless spoken to. At least he is treating his little brother decent.

He has communicated with a couple of "friends" since he got home and he informed them that I have "gone over the edge" and have "no right" to take his punishment to this extreme. I think I could have gone much further.

At this point I accept the "meanest mom" award and will follow my son everywhere he goes for the next 9 months to keep him safe and protected.
That is, as I see it, my number 1 job as him mom!!!!


Heather {Desperately Seeking Sanity} said...

oh wow!!

that reminds me of the time when i was 14 and grounded indefinately... it ended up being 4 months, and to this day, i still don't remember what I did...

koinonia community said...

One day he will realize, just as we did, that punishments are for his protection, not for your personal pleasure - especially once he is a daddy. You may never hear it directly, but I am sure God will.

koinonia community said...

by the way, feeling better?

Anonymous said...

Too funny! I've done the same at my house with two boys and one girl. However, mine don't drive yet... so, I get to take t.v. or gameboy. I think I was on restriction most of my teenage years - what for? I don't know, but I remember being on restriction!

Hi Ann. I'm your swap buddy. Funny because Ann is my middle name and Gregory is my husbands and brothers name (not the same Nice to meet you. I'm going to read through a little more on your blog and get to know you better. Can't wait to begin the swap!!!


Karen Hossink said...

Over the edge??? To a teenager, perhaps. But I have a suspicion one day he'll understand. And maybe even agree with your judgment.
In the mean time (Yes. I fully intend the pun!!!) I think this action on your part definitely has you in the running for this contest. *grin*
Do you think one day our kids will be glad for how mean we were?

Kris said...

I have asked my 17yo (when dealing with similar punishments) how he would deal with his own teen, had he been the parent.

Silence. Then finally, submission.

Methinks vindication still lies off a few years until we have grandchildren, ya know?

Good for you, by the way!

Sassyfrazz said...

That is incredible punishment...I hope I never have to go that far...but, if I do, I may use that one! I hope he learns from it, what ever it was. I agree with koinoniacommunity!~

That is mean...but I do think that it = LOVE

Anonymous said...

While I think you probably qualify as the meanest mom because I am sure your son would definitely say that right now, I also think you are justified. I read right through that post, and while I don't know what he did, I do know why you didn't talk to him.

I can only hope that he changes for your sake, and I will pray for your family, your sanity, and that he someday understands your "overboard" intentions. Best of luck to you guys!!!