Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I was a chicken, I didn't weigh-in today....I've had such a bad week. I haven't felt well and I haven't really paid attention to what I've eaten. I would have to assume that I didn't gain, or lose this week.....
I need a nap!!!


Mich said...

I hope this coming week is better for you!! As for my smoothies:

about 1 c. skim milk
about 1/2 c. organic, plain, non-fat yogurt (you want it to have atleast 3g fiber)
about 1/c. frozen berries
a sprinkle of Splenda, a sprinkle of flax seeds if you want an extra boost, some ice....mix it all in a blender til smooth!

This is a very general may find you want to play with the proportions!

Mom said...

I hope that your next week goes better! Take care of yourself.

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

I know it's tough when you don't feel good. Take care of yourself this week! You'll bounce back!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Hope you feel better this week!
Path to Health