Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Weigh-n and Parade of Cans

Well todays the day we Sisters are supposed to show off our cans for the Lose For Good Campaign. I was very excited to do this because its for such a great cause. So many people are out of work or underemployed right now that the area food banks are really hurting so any food that can be donated will be greatly appreciated by those in need. Our family has been hit hard this year, as well but we are so much better off than many others. DH has work, and we have enough to eat and shelter our head. Many others can't say that, so for that I am grateful. Anyway, I wanted to show you "my cans" but I'm having to use my phone to type this so I don't know if I'll be able to load my picture. (Hopefully I will figure it out!)

I went over to the gym this morning for my weigh in and I have had no change since Saturday - still 197.4. But I did go to Kohl's with afriend yesterday and I tried on another pair of size 14's. I was happy that the p-r I had on last week was not a fluke! I didn't buy them, because I decided I didn't want to spend $20 for a pair of pants that I won't wear for long and I didn't really like the way they looked on me. Maybe I was just being critical of myself but I thought they made me look fat and I'm tired of looking fat, ya know?? I still have my poochy stomach that makes me look pregnant in most clothes unless the clothes squish it in so that needs to be a target area for me to work on.

Anyone know of some good "stomach flattening" exercises?? I need to hit them hard!

In other news, I have been doing my 40 minutes of exercise every night since Saturday and after taking 5 days off it feels great! I really do love the way exercising makes me feel - both on the inside and the outside! I am more physically fit than I have been in years even though I still have much weight to lose. I have good muscle ton and can lift more than most people would think! It feels good to lose this weight the RIGHT WAY!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get on with your bad self, Ann!! You're gonna be in a size 12 in NO TIME!