When That Kid was 11 months old, we moved cross country to California's central valley. It NEVER snowed there in the 4 years that we lived there. When That Kid was almost 5 we moved to the Dallas area. One of the things about living in Texas was that the weather was usually predictable. HOT and humid in the summer, mild in the fall and winter and wet and humid in the spring!
This fall and winter HAS NOT BEEN MILD!!! It has been stinking cold (for Texas!). I am spoiled! I do own a coat of sorts. It is more of a rain coat with a liner. It is not designed for days of below freezing temperatures! I gave all our gloves away because we didn't use them! BUT....this winter I needed gloves and a heavier coat, but who wants to make purchases like that when they won't be used again for years? Not me...So, I have stayed inside ALOT this winter...
We got record breaking snowfall this week. 12 inches of snow in about 24 hours. That has NEVER happened here. And what did I do? I stayed inside and complained about how cold it was! It was pretty sad actually. Yesterday the temperature went up to the lower 40's and I figured I really should not deprive That Other Kid of the pleasure of making a snowman and snowballs. Especially since he may not get to do it again for years (at least here!). So I sucked it up, dressed him in double layers with socks for gloves and let him go out to make a snowman and snowballs before it all melted away. We were almost too late. Within 3 hours of making our snowman it had melted. Today the only snow on the ground is in little patches that don't get much sunlight. I am perfectly ok with the fact that there is no visible snow on the ground now. People here don't know how to drive in this stuff and it is dangerous to be on the roads!
As you can see in the pictures the sun was bright! It was very strange to see snow and the sun at the same time. We have been sun-deprived this winter as well! It is still cold (at least for Texas) and there is even more snow in the forcast! What is wrong with this season? Doesn't 'mother nature' know that this is Texas??
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