Monday, January 18, 2010


Rethink Your Shrink, The Monday Project

Well....I was supposed to have this done and posted on Friday. Here it is Sunday night/Monday morning and I'm just now getting it done. The end of the week has been crazy. I have barely had time to sit down at the computer for 5 minutes to check emails. Until tonight when I decided it HAD TO BE DONE!

Our homework for this week from the Sisterhood was to be fun and motivating. I have to say it was FUN and it's nice to SEE the reasons why I bust my butt every night exercising and refrain from drinking gallons of coke when I'm stressed. Another thing that was beneficial for me while I was creating this motivation wall was to see exactly how far I have come in 1 year! I had a little help from dh with the pictures and he saw my photos and said, "Wow! When were these taken?" It was nice to hear him acknowledge the change that was VERY evident right there on the computer screen. Ya know, it's kind of hard to notice something different in a person when you see them every day! It made me feel good to have that positive reinforcement.

My motivation wall has 2 different pictures of myself. The top one was taken at Christmas 2008. The bottom one of me was at Christmas of 2009. I'm not sure exactly how much weight I had lost between the two years but it was at least 30 pounds!

The picture on the left is a picture that I took after I had completed the 6 week challenge on the Wii EA Sports More Active. I was surprised at the calories burned, miles 'ran' and overall totals that were provided! It was very encouraging to see how I had done during that time. I was moving, sick with the flu, and we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas all during that 6 week time!

They are the reason I want to be fit and healthy! They are both young, healthy and active! If I want to live a long life to be here for them I need to be healthy and fit as well!

Below my picture here I have my favorite Bible verse - I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
It hasn't been easy to lose this weight, but I know I can do it because Christ has enabled me!


Mom of 3 boys said...

I too was late posting mine but we did it. It looks great. I like your quote. Good job.

Karena said...

Ann, I love the photos of you on the board! You can really see the difference a year makes! And I agree, when you live with a person day in and day out (or if you ARE the person) it can be very hard to *see* a change. You've made awesome progress. Be proud, and keep going!

Brooke said...

your wall is perfect! sometimes its hard to remember that through His strength we can do anything.