Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Tiny Talk Tuesday celebrates our children and their view of the world. They continually make us laugh and by recording their Tiny Talk we can focus on one of the many JOYS of parenting! If your kiddos made you laugh this week (don't they always), then feel free to share the humor! Check out more Tiny Talks with Mary.

It's time for another edition of the Tiny Talks from my kids....

Today both my boys were playing the Wii together and they were starting to get a little bit TOO competitive. I told them they needed to remember this was 'just a game'...That doesn't go over too well with my two very competitive boys!

They continued playing while I was preparing dinner, when I hear That Kid say to That Other Kid, "I don't want to play this game anymore! You keep winning, and that's not FAIR!!"

They were playing a bowling training game -- I don't know much about it, but they play it a lot....basically I think it's to train for the 'real' games.

That Other Kid told his brother, "I know a shorter way to count from 1 - 100!"

That Kid says, "Ok, tell me."

That Other Kid replies, "One, five, ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred!"

That Kid is totally shocked and speechless!

Honestly, so was I!! I asked him how he learned that and he said he "just knew it"!

I have a feeling math is gonna be the hardest subject for me to keep him challenged with when it comes time to actually start school this fall!!

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